What would have happened if Clu had escaped from The Grid?

Tron has been one of the most emblematic film installments of the cyberpunk genre, since its first arrival to the cinema in 1982, it has been a pioneer in the plots about cyberspace and the barrier between the biological and the digital. 

The story of Tron, at least on screen, connects to the events surrounding the 2011 film "Tron Legacgy" when Kevin Flynn's son, Sam Flynn, gains access to The Grid which has become a dystopian world commanded by an order of perfection led by Clu who is Kevin's "Digital Analog Unit" programmed to replace him when he is off The Grid. Clu was programmed as a reflection of Kevin's vision when he was beginning to shape that world, which was based on creating the perfect system at any cost and with zero tolerance for failure and imperfection.

However, Kevin evolved when he met the Isos who were bio-digital organisms native to that world, understanding that perfection does not exist and that the true beauty of a system is in its diversity, something that Clu, being a program, could not understand. Looking at the Isos as a potential failure and an impurity, he started a massive purge initiating a war of revolt even against Kevinn Flynn himself.

During the development of "Tron Legacy" Clu prepares to make the final leap to a perfect system by pretending to invade the real world to bring his order of perfection to it, however, between Sam, Kevin, and Quora, the last living Iso, they manage to stop him. However, what would have happened if Clu had managed to invade the real world?

Clu is known for detesting the imperfect, so most likely upon arriving in the real world and looking at its violently diverse and chaotic nature, he would have started another purge. 

Clu's army was made up of programs native to The Grid considered "imperfect" who were overwritten to become soldiers, however, Clu does not have the ability to create programs, only to rewrite them. Nevertheless, considering that he got Kevin's disk by defeating him, he most likely got the ability to create programs and therefore infinite soldiers that, being digital, feel no pain and do not stop until they are completely destroyed.

At first this would be overwhelming for the real world, since it would be an unprecedented threat, and would claim numerous victims, perhaps even conquering entire cities. Nonetheless, probably the most effective way to attack it would be through the digital, that is, using cybernetic weapons for which it would not be prepared, but this element of surprise would only have one chance to work, since, being a program with the knowledge and skills of Kevin Flynn, it could repel and even counterattack once these threats were discovered. 

To shut down Clu's invasion, it would be necessary to destroy the infantry supply, which means closing the portal to The Grid, and once uncommunicated, attacking it before it recovers. 

As Clu is a program, it does not have the ability to adapt to new environments, only to change the environment at its convenience. This is the advantage that humanity would have against him, so that, well coordinated in a well-planned and orchestrated attack, the barrier between the human and the virtual would end up defeating him, perhaps with Quora as the key to this barrier, being the bridge between the biological and the digital. 


  1. I did not like this movie in general, but you did make it better!


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