Horror story (Enrique and Gerardo R.)


On time, a student had been in his last class at 9:00 pm, so he wanted to go back to his home using the METRO at the station “Mixcuac” where many people use to tell the myth about a cannibal girl and even something the people had called rat man. But our smart guy didn’t give it the importance. So, he keeps walking until to takes his route to get to his destination (Home).  

He had studied a lot because of his career (Medicine as a neurosurgeon, so he was extremely tired), so as he tended to, he fell asleep far away from the only other person in the train car, hearing his own breath and another person. Suddenly, the other person´s breath started shaking heavier, and dangerously getting near him with an ice pick in his hand. He got really scared and stood up fast, and inevitably started fighting, one fighting to get his phone and the other one fighting for his life. Suddenly the train stopped, making him and the attacker fall. The doors opened and he ran away from the train wagon, going to a service tunnel, but he had fallen down of the train without his phone in the station “Barranca del Muerto”. Therefore, being alone in the darkness of that tunnel with no communication was just the least stuff to worry about almost passed out, and quickly had to stand up to run and leave because he heard some steps behind him, and one of them got stuck on him killing him at the same time. Suddenly he woke up in his car with ““Viene viene” telling him to move and he remembered that he was sleeping because of the traffic that he was because that day our protagonist´s dad came to pick him from school because of the time.


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