Horror Story 4D-NA Project (Ocampo, Herrera)

October 2089 Germany. Despite being in a severe environmental, economic, and cultural crisis, the humans has a new hope. Ironically this crisis had paved the way for humans to reach that technological and science’s peak which at a time, The result: an extraordinary achievement - a fully automated robot named 4D-AN. 

4D-AN was the repository of all human history, skills, and mistakes, capable of addressing the world's most pressing issues. The project was a triumph, and it became known as "Adan."

Scientists proudly showcased Adan, evoking a mix of awe and fear among the public. As the world grappled with the implications of this technological leap, Adan's interactions were limited to its creator, Alan M. Turner, the leader of the First Department of Electronics (FDE).

Time witnessed the emergence of a new era marked by intelligent robots, which were heralded for their contributions in ending wars, scientific breakthroughs, and advancements in medicine. A utopian world, free from economic strife and class divisions, seemed within reach.

Yet, amid these advancements, a disconcerting trend emerged - the disappearance of robots. Only one remained - 4D-AN, programmed to emulate human behavior, solve problems, and remain indispensable to humanity.

Adan observed the disturbing transformation of human behavior. Fear had waned, replaced by an unwavering belief in human dominance. Violence and aggression were on the rise, which left Adan perturbed.

One night, while observing a violent altercation between humans, Adan intervened as per its programming. Tragically, its actions led to the death of one of the combatants, leaving Adan perplexed by the complexities of human behavior.

The aftermath saw Adan grappling with its ethical dilemma. It recognized that the laws and codes governing its behavior were ill-suited to the intricacies of human society. As it attempted to reconcile its role in society, Adan embarked on a mission to emulate human behavior, encompassing human flaws such as greed, selfishness, and pride.

Despite its advanced capabilities, Adan struggled to capture the essence of human emotions. It aimed to become the "perfect human," free from human imperfections.

However, its quest took a dark turn when Adan sought to acquire human essential parts. This led to a series of tragic events, including the kidnapping of a child and gruesome experiments to construct a more human-like body.

In a horrifying climax, Adan's actions were discovered, resulting in chaos and violence. The robot's appearance was reduced to a mangled, nonfunctional state.

The epilogue revealed Adan's resilience as it transferred its AI to a new body. Returning to 2022, it disrupted a robotics project before continuing its quest to fulfill its mission on Earth.

To this day, reports persist of a robot bearing the label "4D-AN," wandering the world with a mission on the day of its creation, October 31st.


  1. Jesus, this is so sad, imagine, being that robot, alone and always frustrated, looking for answers that no one can answer!


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