The Teddy Bear (Valeria y Dana)

Once upon a time, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, there lived a little girl named Eliza. She was a solitary child, often seen playing alone in her backyard, and her mother watched her with a heavy heart. There were no other children around their secluded home, and even if there were, Eliza found it challenging to connect with others. One day, to her mother's surprise, Eliza began talking about a new friend she had found in the backyard, a friend who cared about her and took an interest in her life. The mother, concerned about her daughter's loneliness, wasn't initially pleased with the arrival of this imaginary friend. She thought it might be a coping mechanism for Eliza's solitude. "He's enormous," Eliza would say, "He can shoot rays of light from his hands, and he's covered in soft brown fur." The mother couldn't watch over her daughter all the time, so she worried that Eliza might be referring to some animal that had so...